Fees & Contracts
Rack and power prices
Nikhef offers racks including redundant power and power usage, see Rack-and-powerprices 2025
Examples 2025:
– € 520 /month (excl. VAT) for 1/3 of a 60cm wide 19″ rack, including 0,5 kW redundant power
– € 880 /month (excl. VAT) for 2/3 of a 60cm wide 19″ rack, including 1 kW redundant power
– € 1.130 /month (excl. VAT) for a private 60cm wide 19″ rack, including 1,5 kW redundant power
– € 1.400 /month (excl. VAT) for a private 80cm wide 19″ rack, including 1,5 kW redundant power
Nikhef does not charge additional installation fees for standard racks.
Redundant power is mandatory, additional PDUs are mandatory from 4,5 kW and up.
Nikhef does not charge separately for normal power usage.
An example of the rental agreement can be downloaded here:
- Dutch version (legally binding)
- English version (certified translation of the Dutch agreement)
Please do not send this agreement to Nikhef, on request Nikhef will send one to you.
Additional services
- private peering, point to point connection: we charge a one time installation fee of €340 (excl. VAT) for a fiber connection (up/down) and €455 (excl. VAT) for a UTP connection. Patch requests are to be entered online.
Remote hands
- Nikhef offers remote hands during office hours only, see customer portal/remote hands for possibilities.
Prices for standard activities are listed SalesSupportNL@digitalrealty.com or phone +44(0)2073757070.Patches between the Digital Realty AMS17 fiber panel at Nikhef and the customer rack need to be requested separately by the customer by patch request. It’s not allowed for customers to carry out this patch themselves.
Fiber connections between Nikhef and the Amsterdam Science Park co-location facility of Equinix AM3 Amsterdam Science Park are managed by Equinix. For information please contact +31 20 808 0015. Patches between the Equinix fiber panel at Nikhef and the customer rack need to be requested separately by the customer by patch request. It’s not allowed for customers to carry out this patch themselves.
For information about fees and contracts please contact contracts@nikhefhousing.nl.